I was hung up on categories; specifically, the right code for a single template to generate dynamic category pages based on whatever category link the user clicks. It was way more complicated in my head than the actual solution was. Turns out, I’d had the right code there pretty much the whole time. The issue was that WP_Query doesn’t include custom post types, which is what all my portfolio items are. So what I needed was a chunk of code in my functions file et voila! I could finally move ahead with the rest of The Things. Things like
- some child navigation links under my portfolio nav item
- a jquery accordion on the dynamic category page that expands to show my portfolio categories
And I got on a roll with other Things:
- restyled nav drop-downs
- added more projects
- reworked a few existing mockups–notably my web previews
- adding some code to my singular.php template to automatically toss in a default featured image if one isn’t set (so in the future, if I write something random, I don’t have to conjure up a featured image if I don’t want to.)
- some conditional styles to remove some margin on the nav on singular.php
- excluded some categories I didn’t need on the category accordion
- dropped in a quick category widget on my about page. I still need to clean that up.
- On my sewing blog, finally added a breakpoint to my all-posts page to clean it up on small screens
I didn’t plan to spend the last 2 days up to my eyeballs in code, but here we are. To be fair, I really only spent yesterday eyeballed in code. Today was more about mock-ups and photoshop and images.
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