Graphic Design
- Branding
- For Print
- Graphic Design
- Indesign
- Layout Design
- Photoshop
Conference Poster
Poster with Promotional Discount
Conference Booklet
Conference Booklet
- Branding
- For Digital
- For Print
- Graphic Design
- Illustrator
- Logo Design
Concept (My Favorite)
Final Logo
- For Print
- Graphic Design
- Illustrator
- Photoshop
- Branding
- Character Design
- For Digital
- For Print
- Graphic Design
- Illustrator
- Layout Design
- Package Design
- Photoshop
Final Look
Devotion Book
Package Design
- Branding
- For Digital
- For Print
- Graphic Design
- Illustrator
- Photoshop
Final Version
Alternate Concepts
Alternate Concepts
- Branding
- For Digital
- Graphic Design
- Photoshop
- Web Design
- Branding
- For Digital
- For Print
- Graphic Design
- Indesign
- Layout Design
- Photoshop
Promotional Poster
Conference Book
Conference Book
- Apparel
- Branding
- For Digital
- For Print
- Graphic Design
- Illustrator
Elementary Branding
Coordinating Preschool T-shirt
Preschool Branding Concept
- Branding
- Graphic Design
- Illustrator
- Logo Design
- Branding
- For Digital
- For Print
- Graphic Design
Poster Design
- Apparel
- Branding
- Graphic Design
- Illustrator
- Logo Design
- Branding
- For Print
- Graphic Design
- Package Design
- Photoshop
- For Digital
- For Print
- Graphic Design
- Photoshop
- Apparel
- Graphic Design
- Illustrator
- Branding
- For Digital
- For Print
- Graphic Design
- Illustrator
- Package Design
- Photoshop
Package Design
Final Branding
Coordinating Elementary Branding
Made for More Conference Items
Project Brief
Utilize established branding to create a promotional poster and booklet for a women's conference.
Lighthouse Bookstore Logo
Project Brief
Develop a new logo for a church bookstore rebrand. On my favorite concept, the logomark mimics the pages and open binding of a book as well as the top of a lighthouse with beams of light extending outward. The red interior color of the logomark is representative of a brighter light which shifts to a muted gold as the rays radiate outward. The final logo is less abstracted. The lighthouse is more traditional, but the base of it plays with positive and negative space to suggest both an open book as well as waves crashing at the base of the lighthouse.
Fall Leader Appreciation Poster
Project Brief
Create a poster for a leader appreciation lunch utilizing a fall theme.
Children’s Musical Branding: The Joy Story
Project Brief
Create a look for a children's musical, "The Joy Story," to be used in print and digital media including posters, flyers, devotions, HD graphics, web graphics, and more. Incorporate a "Raggedy Anne" type doll, Christmas gift, and tapestry theme elements.
Women’s Conference Branding
Project Brief
Design branding for a women's conference using a floral motif, blacks, grays, and muted colors.
Christmas Landing Page
Project Brief
Create a landing page featuring multiple Christmas events. Adhere to established branding and work within the limitations of a propriety content management system. Using CSS3, I restyled the overall page layout, hiding the sidebar to utilize the full width of the page. I restyled the default accordion to present each event with its corresponding look, photos, and details. I set breakpoints as dictated by the content for responsive design on mobile devices. Each graphic on the page is designed to work seamlessly within the layout, and the overall branding is simplified for the header image in order to preserve legibility of the main navigation.
Women’s Conference Branding
Project Brief
Branding design for a women's conference retreat, "Idols of the Heart", to be used in digital and print production including conference book, posters, cards, signage, and name badges.
Hymns to Treasure
Project Brief
Create branding for preschool and elementary children's musical to be used across digital and print platforms, including slides, posters, and t-shirts.
Student Music Logo
Project Brief
Design a logo for student choir and orchestra with the following criteria: minimalist, line art, possibly incorporate a leaf to represent growth in Christ. I divided the leaf into four quadrants to create the shape of a cross with the negative space.
High School Spring Formal
Project Brief
Create branding for a high school spring formal utilizing mint and gold colors with a "shabby chic" feel. Branding to be used in digital and print, including digital slides, web graphics, promotional posters, tickets, and more.
Student Hoodie
Project Brief
Design a hoodie for high school students participating in choir and orchestra.
The Hope of Eternal Life Package Design
Project Brief
Create a package design for a sermon series with no established branding.
Holiday Pies Poster
Project Brief
Create a poster promoting the sale of various holiday food items.
Haiti T-shirt
Project Brief
Create a t-shirt design for a mission trip to Haiti in partnership with Mission of Hope: Haiti.
Children’s Musical Branding: Greatest Story
Project Brief
Develop branding for a preschool children's musical production, "The Greatest Story." Branding utilized across digital and print platforms including invitations and packaging. I created this look to compliment the branding for the elementary production.